Sunday, June 22, 2014

epic spring salad. homemade healthy.

I like to make salads epic. Ever since I was young I would try to scoop up all the "jimmys" at the bottom of the salad bowl. That's where all the salty brined goodies are, all the nutty bits and herbaceous bites. The right balance of salty, sweet, creamy, crunchy, and acidic can raise an everyday salad up to epic proportions. 

This week at the farm, raspberries were the star. There we were, just our sun-kissed faces popping up from behind the line of raspberry crop. I found that looking up from below for the berries was choice. Seeing that flash of juicy red flicker within the greenery sparked miniature bursts of excitement within. We picked and picked. Dark, deep purple berries, young bright berries, and sunny golden berries speckled the half-pints. Each little berry hand picked for our community to savor. After hours of picking, we each just hand a handful of pints to contribute. Our bellies were already fermenting the cosmetically-deficient berries as we readied the beautiful berries for selling. 

Rion's friends came to visit during the week of raspberries, so naturally, we had to make a huge farm dinner. Rion's friend is an spiring chef in Austin, TX, so I brought out the big salad guns to get them excited about our farm super fresh eating. We piled raspberries on the fresh tender salad greens and sprinkled chives on top. Sarah's homemade raw goat chevre added a salty bite, and roasted beets from a neighbor farm added deep rooty sweetness. The only non-farm salad topper were almonds, which I candied with butter and sugar before adding to the salad. 

We all noshed on the goodness. So many jimmys to search for! So enjoy this salad, and make sure to give thanks to all those who pick raspberries! 

Epic Spring Salad

Serves 4-6


1 bunch beets (red or golden)

Olive oil
Pinch of salt and pepper

2/3 c whole almonds

1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
pinch of salt

1 head lettuce of choice (red curly, butter head, spotted trout, etc.)

1/2 c Feta cheese, crumbled
1 1/2 c fresh raspberries
A handful of fresh chives (about 1/3 cup), chopped

1/4 c balsamic vinegar

1/3 c olive oil
2 tbsp grainy mustard (homemade mustard works great!)
Pinch of salt and pepper
2 tbsp honey


Preheat the oven to 400 F. Cut beet greens off and trim beet ends. Poke holes into the beets with a fork. Place beets on a piece of aluminum foil and drizzle with olive oil. Add salt and pepper and give the beets a good massage. Cover with the aluminum foil to make a package and place on a baking pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until soft when pricked with a fork. Let cool and peel if desired. Cut into 1/2 inch cubes. Set aside. 

To candy the almonds,  Heat almonds, sugar and butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until almonds are toasted and sugar is a golden brown, about 10-15 minutes. Stir in vanilla. Spread on aluminum foil or plate; sprinkle with salt. Cool and roughly chop. 

For dressing, mix vinegar, mustard, honey, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Whisk while adding the oil until well combined. Serve dressing alongside the salad or toss before adding the salad toppings. 

Wash and tear lettuce to desire size. Place in a big salad bowl. Top with raspberries, crumbled feta, candied almonds, chives, and roasted beets.

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